Enforcing Divorce Agreements: What Is the Statute of Limitations?

Russell I. Marnell, lead counsel at the Law Offices of Russell I. Marnell, and Scott R. Schwartz, a senior associate at the firm, write that one would think that if one of the parties in a divorce action were to breach a separation agreement or a stipulation of settlement subsequent to the parties' divorce, that such a proceeding would similarly be governed by the six-year statute of limitations applicable to breach of contract actions.

января 10, 2012 at 12:00 AM

By Russell I. Marnell and Scott R. Schwartz | Updated on января 10, 2012

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All legal practitioners are aware (or they should be) that an action for a breach of contract is subject to a six-year statute of limitations pursuant to the CPLR. 1 Similarly, an action based upon mistake is also subject to a six-year statute of limitations. 2

That said, one would think that if one of the parties in a divorce action were to breach a separation agreement or a stipulation of settlement subsequent to the parties’ divorce, that such a proceeding would similarly be governed by the six-year statute of limitations applicable to breach of contract actions.

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