Tax Filing on a Land Contract With the IRS
you have finished paying for it." />
Land contracts, also called trust deeds, notes, deeds of trust and privately held mortgages, are real estate purchase contracts financed for the buyer by the seller. Depending on the terms of the contract, a down payment may not be required and the purchase price may be higher than with standard bank financing. A land contract sale impacts both a seller and a buyer’s taxes when filing returns with the IRS.
- Most land contracts require the buyer to pay the seller monthly payment installments that include principal and interest. The amount of interest paid by the buyer may be a tax deduction when filing federal taxes. The amount of interest received by the seller under the terms of the land contract is considered unearned income by the IRS and should be reported on the seller’s annual taxes. The person reporting the interest income must include the name, address and Social Security number of the person paying or receiving the money on line 11 of Form 1040, Schedule A.
Installment Sale
- IRS Publication 537 defines an installment sale as the sale of property that results in at least one payment after the tax year in which the sale took place. If the seller treats the transactions of a land contract as an installment sale as defined by IRS Publication 537, the portion of the money received for the sale that is not interest may be divided into two sections. The first section is a tax-free return of the adjusted basis in the land subject to the land contract. Sellers can use the IRS form Adjusted Basis and Gross Profit Percentage Worksheet A of IRS Form 6252 to determine their adjusted cost basis and gross profit from the land contract. Sellers with installment sale income should complete and submit IRS Form 6252 when filing federal taxes for the year of sale and for two subsequent tax years.
Capital Gains
- Sellers who realize capital gains from the sale of a land contract must include the amount on IRS Form 1040, Schedule D when filing federal taxes for the year of the sale. Long-term capital gains -- if the seller owned the property for more than one year -- must be listed on Form 1040 Schedule D in subsequent tax years. Capital gain exemptions are available for the seller in certain instances as outlined in IRS Publication 523.
IRS Form 1099-S
- Real estate transactions, including land contracts that are not excluded by capital gains tax laws must be reported to the IRS on Form 1099-S. The person responsible for closing the transaction, such as a law firm, should file Form 1099-S.