Csun enrollment required documenta

Upload and attach the following REQUIRED documents when submitting the online application:

In addition to the above requirements, for program purposes, upload and attach the following document at the time of the online application or email to sac-academics@csun.edu:

IMPORTANT: If the student’s transcript does not include the current courses they are taking at their school, then they must provide a school issued document listing their current courses “In Progress” of completing, since the course(s) and/or grade(s) are not on the transcript.


After applying, complete the following steps and receive an acceptance packet:

  1. Set up your access to MyCSUN Portal. Watch for the “Activate Your CSUN Account” email from CSUN Tseng College Admissions, Registration and Client Services (ARC) Office sent to the address you provided on your program application. You should receive the email 1 or 2 days after you apply. Email contains the following information to help you setup a CSUN account:
  2. Access CSUN email account. All official university communication is sent to the CSUN Gmail email account. It is the student’s responsibility to monitor the Gmail account. CSUN Gmail can be forwarded to a personal email. For help, access and manage CSUN email.
  3. Make an online Program Tuition payment. To make an online payment, log on to MyCSUN Portal using your personal CSUN username and password, then:
    1. Select the Home tab
    2. Locate the Quick Links and select Pay Account Balance
    3. Select EXL Credit Card Payment (Must disable the popup blocker to navigate to the new online tab/window. Contact ARCinternational@csun.edu for assistance.)
    4. A new TAB will open to make a payment through the CashNet database. We accept the following online payment methods:
      • Credit Card - Visa, MasterCard, or American Express only
      • Electronic Check - Account and routing number are required
      • International Wire Transfer - Must select currency and country. Print payment instructions. Complete payment at a local bank or with online banking using the printed instructions. For more information on International Wire Transfer, please see our guide.

    IMPORTANT: Program tuition must be received in full and successfully posted on your Student Account before a Form I-20 will be issued.

    You will receive ONE SAC Admission Letter in your acceptance packet, along with a Form I-20.

    NOTE: A Form I-20 will be needed to apply for an F-1 student visa at the U.S. embassy or consulate in your country of origin. A Form I-20 is a government approved document issued by the Tseng College, after you apply and are admitted to a program.

    Upon Arrival to the US, check-in IN PERSON with the Admissions, Registration and Client Services (ARC) Office and be prepared to submit the following documents:

    NOTE: FAILURE TO COMPLETE SEVIS CHECK-IN MAY AFFECT ELIGIBILITY TO REMAIN IN STATUS. Submit the above documents as a whole to expedite the SEVIS registration process. SEVIS is the Student and Exchange Visitor Information database, used nationwide, by U.S. government to maintain accurate and current information on non-immigrant students, as well as generate a Form I-20, which is required to present at a visa interview.

    Additionally, email Proof of Health Insurance copy to sac-academics@csun.edu. Include your first name, last name, and CSUN ID number in the subject line of the email. For more information, please see Health and Accident Insurance Requirements. Health insurance is a CSU requirement.

    Attend MANDATORY orientation, in person. Refer to your program admit letter for the date, time, and location. If the location on the letter says “To Be Advised,” email sac-academics@csun.edu for details.

    Receive schedule of classes and attend classes!

    To maintain visa and Form I-20, the U.S. government REQUIRES all international students be enrolled in FULL-TIME studies. For Fall/Spring SAC undergraduate students, full-time enrollment is a minimum of 12 units. For Fall/Spring SAC graduate students, full-time enrollment is a minimum of 9 units. Failure to attend classes while in the U.S. violates the student visa terms. More information regarding studying in the United States can be found at SEVIS Arriving and Maintaining Student Visa Status (Grads & Credit).

    For admission questions, please contact us by email at sac@csun.edu or by phone at 818-677-2504.

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