The first edition of “A Practical Guide to the study of Glacial Sediments” (Edited by David Evans and Doug Benn) was an essential handbook to all students of glacial geology. It has helped countless undergraduate and MSc dissertation students, and my well-thumbed copy has come with me every time I go into the field.
It is therefore a delight to see the second edition, published in 2021, with numerous updates and full colour.
The second edition is published by the QRA and is available to purchase for £20 (inc. p&p) from the QRA website. QRA members get a discount! See the flyer below for details of the chapters and content.
This comprehensive book promises to be absolutely essential to anyone undertaking practical work with glacial sedimentology, ranging from sediment description and logging, particle size, clast form, shape and orientation in glacial sediments, thin-section analysis of glacial sediments, and till geochemistry, particle lithology and mineral properties.
Each chapter contains detailed instructions and recipes, accompanied by full colour images. Recommend it to your library!